
How To Draw Chair Conformations From Rings

How to Draw the Ring-Flip of a Chair?

In summary, this is what you need to do:

At present, let'south go into more details. The start thing you lot need to know before drawing the ring-flip of a chair cyclohexane is the right conformation of the carbon-concatenation and the orientation of each axial and equatorial group:

There are different ways of drawing a chair conformation and you are free to choose the one you lot similar – as long as at the terminate you have the structures correct.

One approach to principal this is printing out a nicely drawn chair conformation and sketch information technology on a dissimilar sheet of newspaper placed on it:

Notice that the carbon chains of these two chairs expect like mirror images:

The ring-flip represents ii conformations of the same chemical compound that are obtained through rotation effectually single bonds. This ways no bonds are cleaved and all the atoms stay where they are:

Draw the Ring-Flip Pace-by-Step

Assuming you lot have practiced drawing chairs, this is what you need to do to draw the ring-flip of whatsoever substituted cyclohexane:

Step one

Number the atoms in the ring (the starting bespeak and the management doesn't matter). In this case, we volition go clockwise:

Step 2

Characterization wedge groups as pointing Up and dash lines as pointing Down. "Up" and "Downward" is relative as it depends on the direction you are looking from but permit's follow this note.

Step 3

Depict a chair conformation. Yous can draw any of the two-doesn't affair:

Stride 4

Number the atoms starting wherever you want just, this is Important – you must follow the management you had in Pace 1:

Step 5

Add the groups based on the numbers pointing Up or Down as you labeled them in step 2:

Information technology is a common mistake to number the atoms inconsistently. This, unfortunately, happens in some YouTube videos likewise (every bit I was referred to by i of my students) and students learn the wrong way.

If you go in opposite direction numbering the atoms in the ring, for example, initially going clockwise and at present-counterclockwise, you will draw the enantiomer of the cyclohexane (enantiomers are stereoisomers, and so they are different compounds).

Let's practise it here and see: If we number the ring starting from the OH and going counterclockwise (CCW), this is what we get:

This is a different molecule than what nosotros are working with:

Yous can come across they are non-superimposable mirror images, meaning no thing how yous move them, you can't make them be identical.

Yous tin can bound ahead and read about enantiomers. If y'all oasis't covered that in your class withal, but the accept-dwelling message is: the management for numbering atoms must exist consequent.

Again, in the first, you tin can choose whatsoever management (clockwise or counterclockwise) but once there, you must follow information technology.

Pace half-dozen

Describe the other conformation of the chair (Band-Flip):

There is NO such thing as a wedge is ever axial or a nuance is e'er equatorial!

You only need to follow these rules:

  • The atoms should stay where they are – left carbon on the left and right carbon on the right.
  • All the groups pointing upwards should still be pointing upwardly regardless of being axial or equatorial.
  • Each Equatorial group becomes Axial and each Centric grouping becomes Equatorial.

That is about it for drawing the ring-flip of chair conformations.

And of class, only do makes it possible:


Describe both chair conformation (ring-flip) for each of the following substituted cyclohexanes:


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Depict both chair conformations for each of the following molecules:



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