
How Do I Cancel Youtube Tv Free Trial

How to cancel YouTube TV free trial – is this what you are looking for? Then you lot take landed on the right article.

Here you learn how to cancel the trial subscription with our foolproof stride-by-step guide.

If you are reading this article, it is obvious that you are subscribed to the trial subscription. But due to some reasons, you lot are not going to continue it further.

Any may be the reason, if you have decided to drop the test subscription, we are hither to help you lot out.

So, without much filibuster, let us quickly start.

Why Youtube TV Trial?

Youtube Telly is a subscription-based online streaming service that brings live entertainment to your business firm.

Due to the huge market place share of the Google Company in the online earth, this platform has gained tremendous popularity over fourth dimension. Many consider it among the all-time cord-cutting option available.

The streaming plan comes with a price tag of USD fifty per calendar month with the facility that the subscription can be used on 6 devices at a time.

To attract more customers the company is providing gratis trials to new customers before they commit to their monthly plan.

YouTube Television receiver Trial Menstruum

Normally the tryout menstruum by this Google company lasts for seven days. But the company changes its promotion policy and sometimes offers a trial menses of upwardly to 14 days besides.

Earlier the trial ends you lot need to either shut or subscribe to their plans. To confirm your trial, yous tin get to the 'settings carte du jour of your account to find out your actual trial menstruum.

It is a better thought, to remember the tryout period so that you tin make a final decision at that time.

If you forget to cancel the subscription, chances are that your carte will be charged, and you may become a pecker stupor.

To avoid this, make an active decision and deed on it.

So, if you are dislocated nigh why should you cancel, we take put together some of the major reasons why users ditch the service.

Why Should You Cancel?

There may be more than i reason why you plan to cancel your subscription. While some try to but test the service, others just savor the trial and so cease information technology.

The major reasons why users cancel the trail are every bit follows:

High Price

Many users drop their subscription as they experience that the subscription prices are too high compared to other providers similar Hulu, Sling, etc.

Watching Issue

Many users mutter about bug while using buffering Issues, crash problems not-friendly user interfaces, etc.

Content Complain

Specific Show or Aqueduct may non be available in this TV service. So, some users may avoid continuing their service.

Institute amend Culling

Many users observe other streaming providers meliorate than this so they skip the idea of standing with the service.

Other Reasons

Other reasons include, but testing the service with no programme to extend the subscription in the time to come.

How to Cancel Free Trail

You can certainly abolish the subscription during the free tryout offer. Then, if you accept made upwardly your mind to drop the trial subscription yous can do it.

Now lets u.s.a. discuss how y'all terminate the subscription without any problem. The steps of like shooting fish in a barrel counterfoil on your desktop or laptop are as follows:

1. Log on to your Account

First and foremost, y'all demand to log in to your Youtube account. From the home screen locate your business relationship "Settings".

Make sure yous log in with the same account with which you lot subscribed to the trial offer.

ii. Membership Settings

Now click on the membership settings that appear on the correct-mitt side of your account.

When you click the option, it will testify all your memberships that you accept subscribed to now.

youtube tv membership

iii. Observe Tv set Subscription

Under membership options, y'all will come across all your subscriptions. On the top, you volition find your TV subscription details.

4. Deactivate

Now as you can see below, there is a 'Conciliate membership" option as shown below. Click on the deactivate option.

how to deactivate youtube tv

5. Abolish or Intermission

When y'all click on the deactivate pick, it will pop out an choice either to 'Cancel" or 'Pause' membership.

If yous want to pause, you can tap the "break membership" option as shown below.

But here we will need to click on the 'Cancel Membership" pick. Congrats it is done! You accept nailed how to abolish YouTube TV complimentary trial.

youtube tv cancel or pause

6. Confirmation

It is a ameliorate pick to check your mail to find out the mail sent by the company regarding the cancellation.

In this fashion, yous can be assured of cancellation and avoid any bill shock.

Cancellation of Trial on Mobile

The cancellation procedure of the exam subscription on mobile is simple and is almost similar to the desktop version that we described above.

To cancel YouTube Idiot box gratuitous trial on android do the post-obit:

1. Log on to your App

The showtime step always involves logging on to your account and in this case, we need to log in to the TV app.

Brand sure you log in to the TV app, not the normal application.

2. Become to Account Details

Now go to your business relationship details past tapping on the right corner button on the app. There tap on the "settings option.

youtube tv mobile settings

3. Membership

Under the settings, you will see the "membership' option. Tap on the membership option and you volition see all of your current membership in place

tap membership

4. Locate & Deactivate membership

At present locate your TV membership and normally it is placed at the height. Tap on the "deactivate membership' option.

Here likewise you will get a pop-up to select either the "Cancel" or "Interruption" membership selection. Select the "abolish membership" and that is what you need to do. Your membership will be terminated.

cancel youtube tv membership on android

5. Confirm

The last step as we mentioned in a higher place as well is to cheque your mail service to confirm the cancellation confirmation.

Cancellation of trail on iPhone

To cancel YouTube Tv set gratuitous trial on iPhone or any Apple device, the best method that we will suggest y'all is to contact apple support. Ask them to drib the trial for you.

However, you can also drop from your apple tree device too. For this get to the "subscriptions" options of your device under "account settings" and drop the subscription.

If y'all are unable to find information technology out, you can take the help of apple support for certain.

Oft Asked Questions

Can I Drib the Trail offer Online?

Aye, and to be precise, the counterfoil process is wholly online, and you can exercise information technology in a affair of a few minutes.

Just make sure you select the right Gmail account to log in to the account. However, if yous get whatsoever error while doing it online you can ask customer back up to practise it for you.

How can I be sure that the trial subscription is canceled?

When yous drop your Tv set subscription from the company website, yous will run into that information technology will show your subscription as canceled.

To make sure, you can cheque your email to come across the confirmation bulletin. You can also contact customer support to confirm the same as well.

Tin y'all Abolish Youtube TV during gratuitous Trial?

Yep, y'all can cancel the subscription during the gratuitous trial period. In fact, if you exercise not intend to continue with the subscription, information technology is recommended to cancel during the free trial.

This will ensure no extra billing from the streaming company.

For doing the cancellation during the trial menstruum, you can use the methods described to a higher place.

Do non look for the last mean solar day for cancellation, act fast and do it at least two-three days earlier the trial ends.

What if I exercise not cancel the Trial Subscription

If you practise not drop the test or attempt out a subscription, chances are that you will get a bill shock at the finish of the calendar month.

And so, if you practice non intend the use the service, it is recommended to stop information technology every bit soon every bit possible.


YouTube is no doubt created a revolution in the field of online streaming and live Boob tube through their TV streaming service. Withal, it does not hateful that everybody should go for information technology.

Every individual has his or her ain fix of preferences when it comes to selecting entertainment needs.

Also, the price indicate that the company introduced, is why many avert taking new membership. Many competitors also offer the same service at much-reduced costs.

Considering all these factors, if you lot plan to driblet the TV trail yous should go for information technology. For cancellation, y'all tin refer to this step-by-step guide for any doubts on how to cancel YouTube Idiot box free trial.

Further, if y'all get whatever mistake while canceling the trial offer, practice non wait simply contact customer back up to practice it for you.

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